Selasa, 29 November 2016


Seiring berjalannya waktu maka semakin bertambah pula usia. Semakin banyak bertemu dengan orang-orang maka semakin banyak pula pengetahuan kita bagaimana menghadapi orang lain. Rambut di kepala memang sama hitam, tapi isinya kepala pasti berbeda-beda. Semakin banyak pengalaman yang kita lalui seharusnya semakin bijak pula langkah dan sikap yang akan kita ambil. Namun tidak jarang pula ada yang trauma dengan pengalaman yang pernah dialaminya. Rasa takut bahwa pengalaman pahit tersebut akan terulang kembali juga mungkin akan terbersit di dalam hati atau pikiran.

 (to be continue ...)

Minggu, 27 November 2016

My Social Media Accounts

For all of you who want t know more about me, you can follow my social media accounts.

here we are,
For my facebook :
Instagram :
Email :
Path : @diniyasuharlan
Twitter : +Diniya Suharlan
Line ID : diniya.suharlan

Find out the name with keyword " diniyasuharlan ".
we can share about the LPDP scholarship, my university entry examination experience, and all our experiences. We share because we care.

I'll wait your story and sharing experinces session through our social media. thank you, all :)

Am I Weird and Dumb, Daddy?

The question of "what is you strength and weakness?" usually appears when you want to apply a job or scholarship. This question is quietly important and also affect your performance score.

Some of us can't answer this question wisely or directly correct. It means that we should find out our potential or focus to our ambition which is you want to achieve. Honestly, i was a little bit confused to answer that question. Why? This is commonly happen to all aspects of my life.

I don't know, do i have any strength on myself? I just think that i have many weaknesses than the strength. One of the case is, when i love and interest to do something, almost my friends don't love or have any interest of it. It looks like what i have done is a weird one. When my friends can do the exam, but i hard to do that. But ya,, I tried my best, huh? I tried so hard and even sometimes i lose my confident to do something. Then I think twice when i want to do something. I am trying to do my best, trying so hard. I ever ask to myself, why my friends seem too enjoy to face the case in their life? 

my senior high school teacher ever said, "I think, you look a lil weird?"
then, i asked him, "what's wrong, Sir? Did i do something wrong? Did I get a bad score? and again?" Suddenly he answered me, "You got the best score among the students. But, these was a difficult exam, actually. Why you can get the best? usually you get bad or even worst. Were you cheat?"
Oh my God. I was shaken by that words. even i was confused. And i answered "Certainly, no, Sir. I did it by myself. I even sat on the first row".
After that, the teacher was set up the meeting with my daddy and talked about my case. 

Daddy said to me, "You are unique. You have your own way to build up your own character. So, just no worries about what your teacher said about you. If you think that's good, then do that. You know what? You can't master all the major because not only you, but all of us has our own limit. If your friends can do something and you can't, it doesn't mean you are the worst. But you are the BEST one when you can do something and all your friends can't do. Once again, it doesn't mean you are weird or dumb, but you can master on the other aspects. Now, your work, finding out your potential, show it off, and be confident. Say to the world, Yes, I proud to myself by being different". 

Thank you dad, you bring my confidence back. Now, i just believe, i can do it. i will try hard and give the best. For the rest, just give it to Allah, who has been set all those things in this universe.

I miss you a lot. Hope, you are on His guidance, always.

From your lovely daughter, 

Aku Hanya Butiran Debu di MSCEIS

Ini adalah janji postingan yang lama banget udah aku pending. huhu..

on June, 2016 i searched a registration schedule at UPI website. then, i found the international conference post. i tried to submit the abstract. i didn't have any high expectation for that. i just tried to get any experience at that time. the announcement of abstract submission process was on September 2016. i shocked that i've been chosen as one of the presenter. Oh My Godness. How could this happen? I asked Mr. Lukman, my LPDP senior in UPI, to help me. Help me to check the paper. Pleaaaseeee.. 

MSCEIS ini diselenggarakan setiap tahun oleh FMIPA UPI. buat temen-temen yang pengen kepoin msceis bisa coba akses di msceis.conference.upi,edu. Bisa baca semua infonya di sana yaa..

The gate opened on 7 am. then we needed to registration on the front desk. Firstly, on the morning, there was a keynote speaker session. Amazing banget lohh.. banyak banget ilmu yang aku dapat.

The Amazing Keynote Speakers are from USA, Germany and Japan.

First, STEM is still developing in Indonesia. School in USA is renewing a new STEM which is called NGSS. They redefine the meaning of practice in science ➡ know and do, they combine science with engineering and actually hands on is not enough in teaching science. Second, I also just knew that there is no national curriculum in USA. Then how's their standard? Third, teachers in elementary school just focus about reading and math subject only.
(Margaret Chmiel, Ph.D)

MONSAKUN is a teaching method which is using in Japan. This method helps teacher to minimize the word error while giving questions for students.
(Prof Tsukasa Hirashima)

Science can't be explained without frame or real model specially when teacher gonna explain about structure of atom or molecules. This what makes a misconceptions happen while learn chemistry.
(Prof Hans Dierte-Barke)

Selanjutnya, aku hanya butiran momogi di antara mereka dan presenter lainnya. Masih harus banyak belajar 😟 jadi banyak tau mengenai perkembangan pendidikan yang terbaru. #msceis2016#UPI#Bandung

International Cultures Day 2016

wuuaaahhhhh.... ini blog udah banyak jaring laba-labanya iiihhh.. gimana nih, sebulan cuma ada 4 postingan. idiiiiihhhh.. tapi gapapalah yaa, daripada gada sama sekali. hehe. pengen nulis blog setiap hari tapi tugasnya banyak banget loh, belun lagi UTS. Kadang ini mood juga ga enak untuk nulis blog, karena biasanya ngerjain tugas yang moodnya harus serius. kali ini lagi ga mood ngerjain tugas ih, makanya nulis blog. biar ga stres ajahhhh..

kali ini pengen ngebahas tentang International Cultures Day yang diselenggarakan oleh IPSE di UPI. harga tiket masuknya itu 15ribu. Aku pergi bareng temen-temen sekelas. Acaranya hari jumat tanggal 18 November 2016. Acara ini udah diadakan sejak tahun 2010. nah, jadi acara ini tuh acara tahunan gitu. Hari jumat sepulaang dari kuliah, analisis kurikulum, kita barengan perginya jadinya makin seru. Ada aku, aul, mba utary, teh fitri, mba sri, mba amma, arya dan zul. Acaranya dimulai jam 4 sore, tapi open gatenya itu jam 3 sore.

Temen-temen kelas Reg A Pend IPA 2016

Foto dari kiri ke kanan, arya (jawa), aku, utary (makassar), aulia (makassar), amma (makassar), teh fitri (bandung), mba sri dan zul (dua-duanya juga dari makassar).

Waktu openingnya ada perform dari SMAN 10 Bandung. Keren banget loh pertunjukkan angklungnya. Ini ni gambarnya di bawah ini.

banyak banget sebenarnya performancenya. cuma ga sempet ke foto, palingan sempat di share di IG story. Ada penampilan dari Laos, Thailand, Korea Selatan, Jepang, Malaysia, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Maroko. Trus apa lagi yaa.. kalau ga salah ya ituu. yang paling lucu sebenarnya waktu penampilan dari Maroko. Aku ngirainnya orang maroko berkulit hitam rupanya berkulit putih, cakep banget malah cewe-cewenya. hihihi...

Ada acara doorprizenya, kesian banget akunya gak dapet . huhu. padahal udah eksis juga sih, maju ke pentas buat ikut kuisnya. wkwkw.

see you di Cultures Day 2017 yaakk