Ini adalah janji postingan yang lama banget udah aku pending. huhu..
on June, 2016 i searched a registration schedule at UPI website. then, i found the international conference post. i tried to submit the abstract. i didn't have any high expectation for that. i just tried to get any experience at that time. the announcement of abstract submission process was on September 2016. i shocked that i've been chosen as one of the presenter. Oh My Godness. How could this happen? I asked Mr. Lukman, my LPDP senior in UPI, to help me. Help me to check the paper. Pleaaaseeee..
MSCEIS ini diselenggarakan setiap tahun oleh FMIPA UPI. buat temen-temen yang pengen kepoin msceis bisa coba akses di msceis.conference.upi,edu. Bisa baca semua infonya di sana yaa..
The gate opened on 7 am. then we needed to registration on the front desk. Firstly, on the morning, there was a keynote speaker session. Amazing banget lohh.. banyak banget ilmu yang aku dapat.
The Amazing Keynote Speakers are from USA, Germany and Japan.

First, STEM is still developing in Indonesia. School in USA is renewing a new STEM which is called NGSS. They redefine the meaning of practice in science ➡ know and do, they combine science with engineering and actually hands on is not enough in teaching science. Second, I also just knew that there is no national curriculum in USA. Then how's their standard? Third, teachers in elementary school just focus about reading and math subject only.
(Margaret Chmiel, Ph.D)
MONSAKUN is a teaching method which is using in Japan. This method helps teacher to minimize the word error while giving questions for students.
(Prof Tsukasa Hirashima)
Science can't be explained without frame or real model specially when teacher gonna explain about structure of atom or molecules. This what makes a misconceptions happen while learn chemistry.
(Prof Hans Dierte-Barke)
Selanjutnya, aku hanya butiran momogi di antara mereka dan presenter lainnya. Masih harus banyak belajar 😟 jadi banyak tau mengenai perkembangan pendidikan yang terbaru. #msceis2016#UPI#Bandung
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